Yushan National Park Invites You to Celebrate The 27th Anniversary and Opening of Yushan Poetry Art Exhibition!
Last Updated: 2012-04-12
The Yushan National Park will hold the park’s 27th anniversary and special exhibition opening event on April 10, 2012 at 10 A.M.at the Shuili Tourist Center.The celebration ceremony will award and recognize outstanding volunteers andrelevant associations and groups for their efforts in adopting trails andpromoting environmental conservation. Established for 27 years, the Yushan National Parkhas performed exceptionally in ecological conservation, environmental educationand recreational services. For example, their completion of realisticeco-videos such as “At The Foothills of Yushan Mountain—The Song of Bunun” andthe high-definition “Island on the Sea of Clouds” in 2011 havegarnered the park the 3rd Edition National Publication Award and anomination, respectively. In terms of ecological conservation, the park’scontinuous efforts in the research of the Formosan black bear has led to thesuccessful identification of more than 100 individual bears in the Baungzavanregion. Moreover, precious images of the Sambar and Yellow-throated Marten havebeen captured using an infrared camera that is enormously useful in ecologicalconservation and the management of the park.
Published: 2012-04-12