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Hot and Dry Weather Raise Concerns Over Wild Fires

We have now entered a dry season, and the temperatures continue to reach new heights. On August 8, 2013, 39.3°C, the highest temperature over the past century, was measured in Taipei City.
After the typhoon season in July, there have been many broken branches in the mountains, which are likely to cause fire accidentally. When autumn approaches, silver grass blows in the wind from Mt. Datun to Mt. Qixing and Qingtiangang. People should pay attention to the sun and drink more water to avoid heatstroke. In addition, people should be cautious when doing outdoor activity. In case of forest fire, please do not throw away cigarette butts on the ground.
In the event of a wildfire in the Park, please call 119 and notify the Headquarters (02)2861-3601 or National Park Police (02)2861-3609 as soon as possible.