Volunteers from all national parks gathered at Kenting National Park at the sunny day. |
“I would never forgetthe excitement when I saw a Formosan sika deer with my own eyes and it lookedback on me,” said chairperson Wu Yong-lian of Kenting National ParkHeadquarters Volunteers League, describing the time he encountered a Formosansika deer on his first mission at Sheding Park. “The value of life reallytouches one’s heart when you have personal contact with them. These are thingsyou simply cannot get from books,” said chairperson Wu emotionally.
Passionate Destiny Blooms Everywhere
Chairman Wu thinksthat what he gained was much larger than what he contributed during the yearshe served as a volunteer. “I’ve learned the most authentic and practicalconservation concepts, such as the appropriate use of mountains and forests, soit can grow more effectively than just protecting them self-willed. I havewitnessed the bravest persistence of a national park, such as the moving of a racetrackout of Kenting National Park. I have experienced the most benevolenttransformation from fishermen that turned into one’s who guide tourists toadmire fish. All these are the greatest treasures I’ve gained by performing myvolunteer services.”
Hence, like any sustainableenvironment, a group of volunteers with the similar mindset of chairman Wu wereinspired by Mother Nature and decided to give back to the environment. Withtheir original intention and persistence, they brought together their enthusiasmat each national park and gathered annually on this important date.
Chairman Wu, who serves at Kenting National Park, gained much from his volunteer services. (provided by Wu Yong-lian) |
Sustainable Environment: Conceptsthat Volunteers Share
The volunteer group of each headquarters willtake turns hosting gatherings for national park and metropolitan park volunteersgroup. Since 2001, gatherings have never suspended and have become a majorannual event among the national parks. Between April 22nd and 24th of 2016, national park and metropolis park volunteers all over Taiwan gathered inKenting for their annual gathering. With the laborious organization of Kenting VolunteersLeague for nearly 6 months, the group arranged conservation related events suchas coral stone rubbing, historical sites, ocean preservation, ecological trips,and other events. Through in depth exchange and interaction, Kenting VolunteersLeague expects participants to experience the conservation progress of KentingNational Park.
During the opening remarks, Director General HsuWun-long from CPAMI stated that, “Volunteers have always been the most preciousresource of national parks. Due to the continuation of such volunteer spirit,they jointly achieved the most beautiful sceneries of national parks.” The3-day volunteer gathering ended successfully under the warm sun. The nextvolunteer league gathering will be held in Taijiang National Park. We expectthat through the exchange between different headquarters and stations, thevolunteers of national parks can be further enriched and contribute to morebeautiful and positive efficacy to the land that everyone loves.
Volunteers presented their progress on vegetable dyes. | The 2016 Kenting Volunteers League Gathering ended successfully. |