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Living in Harmony with Tienhsiang Monkeys: Tienhsiang 7-11 2F and Tienhsiang Service Station Lobby to Open Indoor Dining Area

Tienhsiang is a well-known attraction in Taroko National Park, and the 7-11 convenience store in Tienhsiang serves as an essential supply station for the public, making convenient services and delicious food more accessible in the mountain area. However, in recent years, public feeding of the macaques in Tienhsiang has led the animals to develop habits of searching for and consuming human food. “Food exposure” has become a major cause of human-macaque conflicts at the entrance of the convenience store and the vicinity.

To protect the macaques as well as the public, Taroko National Park Headquarters work to promote the “Living in Harmony with Monkeys Program,” introducing the new principle of Four Nos—no food exposure, no feeding, no contact and no provocation. In addition, an indoor dining area has been opened on the second floor of the Tienhsiang 7-11 and the lobby of Tienhsiang Service Station to provide the public with a comfortable and safe indoor dining environment.

According to Taroko National Park Headquarters, the best way to prevent the macaques in Tienhsiang from snatching food is to not leave food out in the open. The public is welcome to work together to meet the goal of “people and monkeys living in harmony” by observing the new principle of Four Nos.

Tienhsiang 7-11
Tienhsiang 7-11
Tienhsiang 7-11 2F
Tienhsiang 7-11 2F
Tienhsiang Service Station Lobby
Tienhsiang Service Station Lobby