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National Parks of Taiwan


Taijiang National Park Headquarters signed the “Friendly Environment Cooperation Agreement” with the recreational raft businesses: A step towards quality and sustainable development of ecotourism at Cigu Lagoon.

Taijiang National Park Headquarters signed the "Friendly Environment Cooperation Agreement" with the recreational raft businesses, in an aim to upgrade the quality of recreational raft services and ecotourism in the Qigu Lagoon area. All 12 businesses licensed to operate recreational raft services have entered the agreement. The alliance is expected to bring the local and other organizations into joint development of environmental protection and ecotourism in Taijiang National Park. In the future, the raft businesses will work with local environmental protection organizations and Taijiang National Park Headquarters to promote ecotourism in the lagoon area and advocate environmental protection. The raft business operators will take an active role to remind visitors to treasure natural resources and proactively clean up the trash at the piers generated from the operations. Each raft business operator will also provide one free cruise each year for environmental survey, research, cleaning, and education activities. The goal of this alliance is to ensure the sustainable development of Qigu Lagoon and develop high-quality ecotourism.