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National Parks of Taiwan


Kinmen National Park 2013 Ecological Conservation and Research Results Presentation

Furthermore,Kinmen National Park Headquarters mobilized volunteers to help Metziamesembrinumrelocate fromdownstream to midstream, preventing their extinction in case their habitatdries up. Kinmen County Government also made road signs and car stickers toremind Kinmen residents and tourists to watch out for protected species whendriving, hoping to lower the accident rate and disseminate conservationknowledge, not limited to within Kinmen National Park.

Kinmen’senvironment has been under pressure from economic development in recent years,the ecology and species have experienced change to different extents. Somespecies face extinction as a result of environmental changes, while others havereappeared thanks to successful restoration. The last island-wide speciessurvey of Kinmen was a decade ago. Therefore, Kinmen National Park Headquarterscommissioned experts to conduct a survey species and the ecologicalenvironment. There were four research directions: surveying Kinmen’s mainaquatic birds, behavior, and migration path; changes in distribution andcurrent population of otters; using GIS to establish the distribution of rarespecies in Kinmen; and surveying environmental resources of Kinmen’s wetlands.

The survey was completed at the end of 2013 after efforts from variousparties, and the “Kinmen National Park 2013 Ecological Conservation andResearch Results Presentation” was held on April 30th, 2014.Director Lin Yung-Fa gave the opening remarks and disclosed research data.Researcher Chiang Chung-You, Graduate Student Li Fan (representing Professor LiLing-Ling), Professor Li Pei-Fen, and Assistant Research Chiu Yu-Wen providedimmediately feasible recommendations for “Kinmen aquatic bird migrationecological survey,”“Kinmen otter distribution changes and population ecologicalresearch,”“Kinmen National Park ICT and cloud application system websiteupdate,” and “Kinmen wetland animal and plant resource survey.”